Success Stories

Success Stories

Jennifer, a single mother with two children, moved in to a Rising Tide community apartment 15 months ago and in that time has managed to pay off over $6,000 in debt, save over $10,000, and complete 3 successful semesters at Santa Ana College. By being able to provide a stable home and environment for her two children they have been able to just focus on being kids and have received awards at school and participate in sports. Jennifer’s confidence in her self has grown and she is now a PTA member at her children’s local elementary school and was asked to serve as a peer counselor at a spring break retreat through Santa Ana College. She is on track to transfer to a four-year university by Fall 2015 and continue on her path to graduate with a B. S. in Human Services to continue providing a safe and stable environment for her family.

Paige has been an Orange Tree resident for six months and has accomplished a lot since moving in. At 21 she decided to move back to California from Arizona. A few of her accomplishments since being a part of Rising Tide are: graduating high school after four years of absence from school, enrolling and registering for her first semester at Santa Ana College, and securing employment as a server at a busy restaurant in Downtown Disney that allows her to live off tips and directly deposit her paychecks into savings. She’s on track to save at least $500 each month while in Rising Tide and cannot be more excited to finally be moving forward with her educational goals. She’s also been able to reconnect with family in a positive and healthy manner and is glad she’s able to start establishing friendships and roots back in CA.

MarquiseMarquise has lived in the Rising Tide community for six months. When he came to us he was looking for a stable job and in need of structure and assistance with his finances. Shortly after moving in he got a job at a new popular restaurant. He is successfully working full time, he pays rent on time, has been able to save up the majority of his income and he just bought a car! Marquise has also been consistently attending ILP classes and improving his quality of life. When we asked him about his experience at Rising Tide he told us that “It has allowed me a chance to grow in a way no other could ever. Rising Tide showed me how to work for the things I need. I’ve been able to budget better with my income, start a savings for my car. It just allows me to do so much I would have never been able to do on my own. Rising Tide is a perfect way to set a foundation for a path to success”

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